Unfortunately, there are some terrible tree diseases spreading around the country, and its becoming more important to what with of your trees may be at risk so you can take the proper steps in reducing or perhaps even prevent any further spread. Here are some steps to help.
Take a Current Inventory of Your Trees If you’re not familiar with what trees you have or how to identify them there are a few ways. Firstly, there are plenty of guidebooks that can help, secondly and probably the easiest way is using the internet. You can either look up the specific elements to the tree such as the bark and leaf shape to help, or you could take a picture and ask. Do you have any Oak, Dutch Elm, or American Chestnut trees? If so, your next step should be to learn about the signs and symptoms of Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm Disease, and American Chestnut Blight. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms appear, it is often too late to save the diseased tree. The sooner you notice any symptoms of a diseased tree, the better. Then you can take proactive steps to help protect and monitor the other trees of that sane species. Let the Pros Handle Diseased Trees When possible, it’s better to call in a tree care specialist to remove diseased trees. It’s very important that the diseased wood is removed properly, and they will know exactly how to do that safely and effectively. Allowing the pros to remove a sick tree from your property also saves you from the work and headache of trying to correctly get rid of the wood yourself. Plus, professional tree companies have large equipment and work crews who can usually remove a tree in a single day. Another perk of using professional tree cutting services is they have the proper experience and equipment needed to remove as much of the tree as possible. This can be essential because there are many diseases that pass onto other trees through the sick trees root system. It is possible to isolate the disease by digging a deep trench around the stump. Protecting Other Trees From Disease When you have had a confirmed case of a deadly tree disease on your property, it’s important to take preventative measures to protect the other trees. Otherwise, you may lose them and may have to spend the time and money having them all removed. Spraying trees with fungicides can help prevent the spread of most tree diseases. Insecticides should also be considered, as many of the pathogens spread via insects. Many insects are capable of spreading the spores that infect trees all over. The Best Defense is Resistance If you don’t have a lot of trees in the first place and are looking into which species you’d like to plant, there are options for trees that are resistant to certain types of diseases. Florence Tree Service recommends doing research in your area and finding out which diseases are commonly known to spread in that area and then talk to you local nursery or look up which trees are most resistant or immune to the found sickness. Comments are closed.