If you've found this blog you likely want your tree to look its best.
In order for that to happen, you'll need to take good care of it throughout the seasons. Water it during dry weeks, Add mulch in the spring, And fertilize your tree when it lacks its natural nutrients. When you fertilize your trees, you replace the necessary minerals and nutrients that are missing from the soil. Why should you fertilize your tree? Fertilizer helps trees stay healthy and strong. Trees are tough, but that doesn’t stop outside stressors from trying to shake them. Fertilization gives trees important nutrients, supports tree growth, and contributes to the overall health and vitality of a tree. Does your tree need to be fertilized? In forests, the ground has tons of nutrients. However, In our yards, that’s not often the case. As we sweep away leaves, twigs, and fallen bark, we’re removing potential nutrients for the soil. Additionally, the grass around our trees is unnatural and often outcompetes trees for available nutrients and water. That’s why we need to fertilize our trees with a slow-release fertilizer – to mimic nature. Look for signs that your tree is lacking nutrients in the soil. If you see these signs, fertilization can be part of the approach to restoring your plant’s health. Shorter than normal annual branch growth Undersized leaves that are fewer in number Dead branches and branch tips Leaf veins darker than leaf margins Leaves any other than dark green, such as yellow or purple If your trees are experiencing any of the above symptoms, have your local arborist inspect the tree, test the soil, and provide an official diagnosis. When is the best time to fertilize your tree? Fertilizing in certain seasons does bring benefits. Fertilizing in fall. Fertilizing in the fall helps recover nutrients the soil lost during summer. it promotes root growth during the winter. Fertilizing in spring. Supports a new flush of growth during the essential growing season. it enhances the color of tree leaves so they stay vibrant through summer and into fall. Supplies essential nutrients that keep the tree healthy and help it fight off infection. How you should choose a fertilizer Find a tree fertilizer with a slow (also called controlled) release and low salt index. And, look for a product that’s best suited for your region. a quick google search about your region and about your tree will tell you what sort of fertilizer you'll need. You can learn more about tree trimming here to further take care of your trees. |